Thursday, February 28, 2008

Yo, my fellow adventurers!

Well, I know many of you aren't reading my blogging, but for those of you who are, sorry for not blogging lately. It's been real much with school, taking driver's license, training, reading, and hobbies, and little room for blogging. I will make a long ramble soon enough, maybe in the morning. For now, let me comment on the little vote I had. That was just to see how many of you that were actually visiting my blog. And fyi, I don't care if you think I ramble, I will keep rambling!!!! Rambling for the world!!!!

...nah, but seriously, I'll try to make my blogs shorter. But once I write something, text just seem to fly away. I guess that's what happens when you like writing, and I certainly do.

I also want to take a bat at my pal Freddie's blog, "Undercover Interpreter". He's the guy interpreting all manner of weird things, like why women are called sluts and men are admired for having sex with many people. Who thinks about that kind of stuff, EXCEPT the one, the only, THE UNDERCOVER INTERPRETER?! Exactly...absolutely nobody.

Still, although his spelling is crap, he's fun to read, and he'll be going to London and report from there in a few weeks, with photos as well, so keep up to date with his blog, I certainly will, despite his smart-assed mouth. (I'll have to shut that one some day). The link is in my link list to the right of this site.

I also want to advise you to check out my other blog, Ramblings of a Conspiracy Dawg. That one will focus on politics rather than the life of an adventurer, and bring you the information that the Mainstream Media doesn't dare to tell you, and I find out from conspiracy news sources. But unlike them, I post it with a cool head, telling you and letting you decide what it means. There won't be any UFO's and aliens, there won't be any "We never landed on the moon", not because I don't believe in it, but because it doesn't belong in my blog. So you can rest assured that I won't bring that in.

Finally, I want to say that life is good, and everybody should enjoy it as best they can. And everybody should also be aware of anything that can threaten said good life. If you choose to ignore these threats, you do not deserve a good life. Nothing good comes without an effort. Just keep it in mind, I always do.

Love y'all.


P.S. You who asked if I wanted to marry you, send an email with a photo to me, tell me about yourself and what you seek in a man, and... Nah, just kidding. But I still love you.

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