Friday, May 30, 2008

And - it's over?


School ended today, and I feel a bit empty. There's nothing left for me for now. I've got a summer ahead of me with a few trips with military buddies planned in. But I'll never return to Önnestads folkhögskola ("Önnestad's People's High School"). It was the best school I've ever gone to, with the best teachers, best students, and best everything else. I'm gonna miss 'em all. And I'm going to go back and visit...some time. And stay in contact with at least one of the other students...some times. It's a bit uncertain, though.

And this summer, I'm going to party with some buddies from the military. We've got three parties planned in, one in the butthole of the country, the other where I live, and the third, which isn't yet certain, in a not-too-distant city. All three will entail lots of beer, pretty girls, and hopefully, some fun.

Besides that, I'll be working this summer, of course. At the school I've just left. Three weeks at the least. It's not fancy work, but I think it'll feel good to get back to working with my body again. I need it. Just as I need the money. For my next stage in life.

That is, I'm hopefully moving out of this dump of a town, when I'm going to Visby, Gotland, to study archaeology at the high school there. I haven't officially been accepted yet, but if I am to trust the numbers I've got a good shot at getting in. Thing is, I don't trust the numbers - it looks too simple. I'm a suspicious person by nature. So it's by far not certain I'll get in. Even if I do, there is a huge-friggin-problem since I have to have somewhere to live.

Student apartment? Sure, but I won't lie - I'd rather have a regular apartment. Both have their ups and downs - student apartments make it easier to find chicks...uh, friends I mean. But a real apartment gives more of a "home" feeling. Which I think is exactly what I need. And what's worse is I have to pay for the apartment. I'll be trying to find a job, but until then, I'm going to have to live on a student's loan, which is a pain in the ass since you have to pay it back, and that sucks big time - because I never want to indebt myself.

So I've got my work cut out for me. If I get in, I have to find an apartment, and move some of my stuff there - then I have to find a job as fast as possible so I can cut the damn loan and not indebt myself too bad - and then I'll be living a decent life from there on, until three years come when I have to decide what to do with my life again. But that's ahead of time. As is, of course, getting into the school. I still have some work to do this summer - and some friends to meet with, which feels good.

But the fact is, six hours into my summer vacation, and I'm already bored and longing for the work to start. Monday, 7:30, I'll be starting my job. Three weeks worth of work, and then it's over, and time for the good part of the summer.

Now that I've shared my summer plans with everybody on the whole friggin' Internet, I guess I'm done. Take care, y'all, and may you enjoy the summer as much as I will. Also, don't feel as down as I do over finishing school. It's stupid to feel down - you can always go back and say hello - and hopefully, you'll stay in contact with your friends, one way or another. I know I will try to.

Ah, well, ain't I a barrel of laughs today?

Take care, and later//


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