Saturday, May 24, 2008

Back again!

It's been busy, but mostly I've been lazy. And there won't be any long rants this time. Here's the thing; I don't feel inquired to blog here unless someone is reading. So if you're a fan of this blog, let me know. Conspiracy Dawg has already died - I deleted it, partly because I didn't like my latest post - have you ever realized one cannot actually DELETE previous posts? - and partly because I felt a lack of activity from people. And asking myself which blog was most important, this one or Conspiracy Dawg, this one got it.

I'm also working on another blog right now, called "Style!". I'm not sure what it will entail just yet, only that it will evolve around lifestyles, and fashion, and I want to make it something more than Conspiracy Dawg ever was. I'm also trying to get a friend hooked on the idea and help me blog - the same friend that blogged three posts on the Undercover Interpreter, so he's a bit of a lazy-arse. I also want other bloggers - so if anyone reading this is interested, let me know, and I'll take applications as blogger on Style!.

Lastly, I'm going to try and update Rambling Spirit, but it will not be regularly, as always, and so far, not very exciting. I will try and waste my attention more on Style! for now, because I have some kind of kinky idea in the back of my mind, that I'm trying to get out, regarding what to do with Style! We'll see what happens.

Now, again - if you read my blogs - if you're a fan of them - let me know. Otherwise, Rambling Spirit might kick the same bucket that Conspiracy Dawg did.


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